March 2024

Easter Sunday is the day that Christianity celebrates the resurrection of Jesus… The day He walked out of a tomb… Raised back to life by the power of God! Read more…

February 2024

For the next several weeks we will look at how to overcome obstacles, and walk in the plans God has for us… 

We will also get back to our Book of Revelation series before long as well! Read more…

January 2024

“I never make New Year’s Resolutions, anymore,” the man told me, “I never keep them, anyway.” I can remember all too many resolutions I’ve made and let slip away, too. But I believe New Year’s resolutions are worth making. Let me tell you why. Read more…

December 2023

My favorite Christmas story comes from Luke chapter 2 when the shepherds get a visit from an angel, and they go to see the Savior of the world who has just been born in Bethlehem… And it says this about their reaction…

Luke 2:17-18: “After seeing Him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this Child. All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished.” Read more…

November 2023

A World War II veteran remembers a life-saving decision he made on Thanksgiving Day in 1944.

In the winter of 1944 during World War II, I was in France, a platoon sergeant in the Yankee Division under General Patton. About mid-December I received a letter from my mother back in the States.

“Can you remember,” she asked, “where you were on Thanksgiving Day?”

Could I remember? How could I forget the odd thing that happened that day. At dawn I was sent to check out a crossroads where an enemy strongpoint was suspected. Normally I would have had my men fan out so that they could move with the cover of the trees. But just before we started out that Thanksgiving morning, I stopped. I stood stark still, arguing with myself about what I should do. Read more…

October 2023

We are continuing our series titled “Made For More.”

We’re going to switch things up a bit and be inward focused today. So far, we looked at how we can play a role in God’s never-ending story of reconciling a broken humanity back to its Creator.

We’ve explored the power of saying “yes” when it comes to joining God in His story of reconciliation, and last week we looked at how we can love without conditions.

Today, we are going to look at a very important aspect of a Christian’s life that might often get overlooked, and that is the subject of “Soul Care.” Read more…

September 2023

As we continue our sermon series, “Made For More,” we are going to look at a very challenging command that Jesus gives all of His followers…

Every single person who puts their faith Jesus is given this command… And it’s something that causes us to be intentional…

We are going to be challenged today on how we are to “Love without conditions.” Read more…

August 2023

Satan works through demonic spirits which come in the form of thoughts. Everything we say and do is motivated by the thoughts we receive. Identifying who is doing the speaking is a matter of life and death. Many people underestimate Satan’s influence. Read more…

July 2023

We are starting a new sermon series today. This sermon series is titled, “Made For More,” and it is designed to help us understand how we can join God in revealing His Kingdom to those around us. PLUS some special guest post from the community.
Read more…

June 2023

Is there a moment in your life that was sort of a game changer in your faith?  Can you think back to a moment that maybe solidified everything for you and made your faith really real for you?  Or maybe it was a person that came along just at the right time and said just the right things that influenced your faith, or solidified your faith, or maybe even kickstarted your faith journey? Read more…