The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40
Do you have a loved one in prison?

Join the LOOP. We are a non-profit, faith based organization created just for you. Our support groups are held in various areas in order to provide a location near you. And we are constantly working to find new areas in which to meet.
We understand the shame and guilt of having a loved one incarcerated. The details and justice of the incarceration do not really matter, do they? Your loved one is not with you and now you hurt! LOOP is a safe, caring supportive and non-judgmental place to find help.
Loved Ones of Prisoners (LOOP) is a ministry formed to provide support and guidance to the loved ones of prisoners in the criminal justice system. When someone is incarcerated the loved ones are being punished as well as the prisoners; there is guilt, shame, anger, loss of self esteem, dignity, income, support, and social standing. All of these consequences are due to the prisoner’s behavior, and their loved ones are often left alone to deal with them. Shame, or as the psychologist calls it “TOXIC SHAME” is just that: TOXIC. It eats at you, for it says, “YOU ARE A MISTAKE.” LOOP says no, someone you love “MADE a mistake.” We would like to provide an open, safe place for you to feel, process, and express these events and reactions.
LOOP is not trained, licensed professionals. We are called by God to be a help and support. We reserve the responsibility to refer individuals to professionals when necessary and hope they take advantage of this. The criminal justice system in America is far from enjoyable. It is frightening and confusing for “rookies” to navigate. It speaks a “different language.” For the novice, just going to visit your loved one can be a traumatic experience. LOOP wants to be a resource and support, walk you through the process, warn you about the pitfalls, and help you debrief after the experience. LOOP’S goal is that your visit be a success.
We at LOOP believe that God works with all of us “as we are” and not as we should be. He accepts you “just as you are right now”, and accepts your incarcerated loved one “just as they are right now.” LOOP is a place where you and your loved ones will not be judged and will be accepted. The who and why will not be asked. We accept all, as they are.
Join the LOOP. We are a non-profit, faith based organization created just for you. Our support groups are held in various areas in order to provide a location near you. And we are constantly working to find new areas in which to meet.
We understand the shame and guilt of having a loved one incarcerated. The details and justice of the incarceration do not really matter, do they? Your loved one is not with you and now you hurt! LOOP is a safe, caring supportive and non-judgmental place to find help.
Loved Ones of Prisoners (LOOP) is a ministry formed to provide support and guidance to the loved ones of prisoners in the criminal justice system. When someone is incarcerated the loved ones are being punished as well as the prisoners; there is guilt, shame, anger, loss of self esteem, dignity, income, support, and social standing. All of these consequences are due to the prisoner’s behavior, and their loved ones are often left alone to deal with them. Shame, or as the psychologist calls it “TOXIC SHAME” is just that: TOXIC. It eats at you, for it says, “YOU ARE A MISTAKE.” LOOP says no, someone you love “MADE a mistake.” We would like to provide an open, safe place for you to feel, process, and express these events and reactions.
LOOP is not trained, licensed professionals. We are called by God to be a help and support. We reserve the responsibility to refer individuals to professionals when necessary and hope they take advantage of this. The criminal justice system in America is far from enjoyable. It is frightening and confusing for “rookies” to navigate. It speaks a “different language.” For the novice, just going to visit your loved one can be a traumatic experience. LOOP wants to be a resource and support, walk you through the process, warn you about the pitfalls, and help you debrief after the experience. LOOP’S goal is that your visit be a success.
We at LOOP believe that God works with all of us “as we are” and not as we should be. He accepts you “just as you are right now”, and accepts your incarcerated loved one “just as they are right now.” LOOP is a place where you and your loved ones will not be judged and will be accepted. The who and why will not be asked. We accept all, as they are.
If your loved one was the only person in the world,
Jesus would have died for them.
Virtual Meetings
General Meetings:
Every 1st Monday from 7-8pm
Special Prayers:
Every 3rd Monday from 7-8pm
Visit our Youtube Channel to see past guest speakers and other announcements.
Read our latest newsletter for encouragment.
Help others help themselves.
- LOOP is a non-profit organization that provides support to families with loved ones in prison. We have a 501©(3) so donations are tax deductible.
- We provide support to our LOOP families that have loved ones in prison by helping them feel less isolated. We offer 24/7 phone support to the family of the incarcerated.
- We can be a practical reference for social service agencies and re-entry programs.
- We provide our LOOP families with an updated list of rules and regulations surrounding visitations, communications, and commissary issues of the various institutions.
- We extend our support services to inmates who have no family support.
- We attend Faith Based Summits that deal with prison reform and re-entry.
- As possible, we transport to the prisons, families that have no transportation.
- We provide money for inmates to call home.
- As determined, we provide replacement glasses for inmates. The State replaces glasses only every 3 years and it takes months to get approval.
- We also offer re-entry assistance described in the video below:
- To support our families that have incarcerated loved ones and help them feel less isolated.
- Be a practical reference for social service agencies and re-entry programs.
- To provide our LOOP families an updated list of rules and regulations of the various institutions surrounding visitations, communications, and commissary issues.
- We will offer support to our families with children by supplying a list of agencies and organizations who provide assistance for the needs of those with parents who are incarcerated.
- To provide financial grants when funds are available to LOOP families for emergency needs not covered by other programs.
We at LOOP are so grateful to the Vineyard Community Church of Reynoldsburg for their gracious and generous monthly donations. This support has given our ministry a tremendous boost and will go a long way in encouraging so many. So LOOP sends its heartfelt thanks to all of our ministers for their partnership in this great outreach ministry.
A special appreciation goes out to those state and local officials within the various counties willing to speak or meet with us as we have shared our concerns and issues facing loved ones of prisoners. We appreciate those who are helping us get the word out about LOOP.
We certainly could not be effective without our Pastors and Vineyard Community Church of Reynoldsburg who have graciously given us a place to hold monthly support meetings. “Thank you” does not adequately express our gratitude. We are so blessed by your support.
ALSO, it is important to mention the great TEAM of volunteers that have been so instrumental in helping us with this much-needed ministry. There is no way we could accomplish so much without their dedicated service. Thanks to our pastor who has supported us from the beginning not only with prayer and encouragement but with attendance at support meetings, for others in the family of God who pray for us, for those that answer letters from the incarcerated, or loved ones, those who help design literature and maintain other media, make phone calls, research, financial contributors, and the list goes on, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE and we Thank God for each one.
- LOOP is a non-profit organization that provides support to families with loved ones in prison. We have a 501©(3) so donations are tax deductible.
- We provide support to our LOOP families that have loved ones in prison by helping them feel less isolated. We offer 24/7 phone support to the family of the incarcerated.
- We can be a practical reference for social service agencies and re-entry programs.
- We provide our LOOP families with an updated list of rules and regulations surrounding visitations, communications, and commissary issues of the various institutions.
- We extend our support services to inmates who have no family support.
- We attend Faith Based Summits that deal with prison reform and re-entry.
- As possible, we transport to the prisons, families that have no transportation.
- We provide money for inmates to call home.
- As determined, we provide replacement glasses for inmates. The State replaces glasses only every 3 years and it takes months to get approval.
- We also offer re-entry assistance described in the video below:
- To support our families that have incarcerated loved ones and help them feel less isolated.
- Be a practical reference for social service agencies and re-entry programs.
- To provide our LOOP families an updated list of rules and regulations of the various institutions surrounding visitations, communications, and commissary issues.
- We will offer support to our families with children by supplying a list of agencies and organizations who provide assistance for the needs of those with parents who are incarcerated.
- To provide financial grants when funds are available to LOOP families for emergency needs not covered by other programs.
We at LOOP are so grateful to the Vineyard Community Church of Reynoldsburg for their gracious and generous monthly donations. This support has given our ministry a tremendous boost and will go a long way in encouraging so many. So LOOP sends its heartfelt thanks to all of our ministers for their partnership in this great outreach ministry.
A special appreciation goes out to those state and local officials within the various counties willing to speak or meet with us as we have shared our concerns and issues facing loved ones of prisoners. We appreciate those who are helping us get the word out about LOOP.
We certainly could not be effective without our Pastors and Vineyard Community Church of Reynoldsburg who have graciously given us a place to hold monthly support meetings. “Thank you” does not adequately express our gratitude. We are so blessed by your support.
ALSO, it is important to mention the great TEAM of volunteers that have been so instrumental in helping us with this much-needed ministry. There is no way we could accomplish so much without their dedicated service. Thanks to our pastor who has supported us from the beginning not only with prayer and encouragement but with attendance at support meetings, for others in the family of God who pray for us, for those that answer letters from the incarcerated, or loved ones, those who help design literature and maintain other media, make phone calls, research, financial contributors, and the list goes on, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE and we Thank God for each one.
Video FAQ

A registered nurse and a physician’s assistant for decades, Ed and Linda Davis founded LOOP in the spring of 2012. “After having our son incarcerated, we have seen firsthand the loneliness, pain, loss and shame of having a loved one in the criminal justice system. LOOP was created out of the need to show love and support and to supply needed information about the criminal justice system. If those who are hurting can see God’s love through LOOP, then we have accomplished our goal. We pray you will become involved, having your needs met as well as meeting the needs of others.”

Jenny Eversole is an audacious community advocate and leader, considered the voice for the disadvantaged and underserved citizens. Through answering the call of God upon her life to serve, Jenny became active with LOOP. She became the Chapter Leader of the Reynoldsburg LOOP, as well as started other county LOOP groups.
Alongside her husband, Bob, and other family members, together they are paving the way for the enhancement of prisoners and assisting their families through supportive efforts. Jenny’s skills of strategic planning and communication have been instrumental in opening the doors for individuals as they return home and reintegrate back into society. Jenny has been a guest at community forums that directly involve criminal justice reform, mental health, and addiction disparity and/or issues that justice involved individuals and their families face
We invite you to contact us.
We want to hear from you. If you know of someone who has a loved one incarcerated, please share the information and point them in our direction. Working together, we can be an encouragement in these troublesome times.